• Activate
  • Align
  • Awaken

Thy Womb

It's our nature.
It's our birthright.

It's our nature. It's our birthright.

Feeling whole and healthy and fully alive in the present moment is not just a nice to have or cherry on the cake.

This is full, whole, vibrant living.

This is Hart of Health

Where conscious women come to reclaim their body’s natural wisdom, cycle and vibrance, to reach total mind-body healing. This is where conscious women come to heighten their capacity to feel, to live, to experience life to its fullest in a body that feels like home.

Empower Yourself

Cycle Charting Guide
& Presentation

Learn how to confidently chart your cycle

Inside the guide is all of the information you need to start successfully charting your cycle today. On the other side of learning how to chart your cycle you will:

Download the free Cycle Charting guide
and presentation now

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About Luna

For most of my life, I felt afraid. Afraid to eat. To exercise. To be seen. Afraid to exist. Afraid of my own body. Afraid to be me. On the outside, I was quiet, determined, and conscious. On the inside, I was sad, disconnected, and afraid. And often in pain or discomfort. The emotional turmoil fed the physiological and the physiological fed the emotional. Until it became a never-ending cyclone that got completely out of hand. I’ve dedicated my life’s work to making sure no woman ever has to feel so unseen, so unheard, and so unwelcome inside her own body. Ever again.

Aligned Cycle

Finding hormonal balance
after birth control

Free extensive guide for naturally managing your cycle after birth control.

This is for you if you’re ready to break up with hormonal birth control (or another form) and reclaim your cycle and body’s intelligence naturally. Or you may have stopped birth control and now your hormones are a hot mess, either way – I made this for you.

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Heal your body. Transform your mind.

Reconnect to your natural intelligence.
You are not broken.

You just need guiding back home to you.

Work with me

Wellness Boost

4 month package to optimize your overall health, investigate imbalances and root causes and find a sense of aliveness, of radiance, of full, optimal health. For the woman who wants to reclaim her wellbeing and operate at her very best.

Awakened Womb

6 month package for the woman who wants to take control of her body & cycle. You’re dealing with hormonal chaos around your menstrual cycle and you want to feel good but you don’t want to get pregnant! Learn to connect to your cycle and your body’s natural intelligence.

Activate Fertility

6 month package that is similar to Awakened Womb. But, you want to be in full control of your cycle and body’s natural wisdom so that you can get pregnant. We’ll do similar work but with a core focus on fertility and preparing the womb and body for a healthy pregnancy


1 year package for the woman who is ready to invest in total mind-body healing and transformation. For the woman who has been struggling with challenges that won’t resolve easily. This is where you heal from the inside out: mind, body and spirit. Not for people looking for a quick fix.

Not sure?

Book a 45 minute strategy session to get to the bottom of your challenges!

Don't confuse “functional” with vibrant. alive. and healthy…fully expressed.

Contrary to popular belief: You don’t have to wait until your body is not functioning or you are in great discomfort to learn how to thrive inside your life. The biggest lie modern women have been taught to believe is that sacrificing your own needs is how you get them met. But, when we can learn how to put ourselves first. When we learn how to truly take care of ourselves, when we understand how to feel connected to ourselves, our cycles and our bodies, we naturally move toward healing, growth and a full and vibrant life.

“Working with Luna provided me answers (and solutions!) to some of my long-standing health issues that I had not found answers for in either Western Medicine or Chinese Medicine. Through our time working together my acne cleared up, my digestion improved and I have much more energy – I no longer need an afternoon nap to get through the day! My mood and emotions also became much more stable and I just feel so much better.

I am so grateful for the thoughtful and intentional care that Luna provides!”

Jessa Youngs L.Ac. FAE

“At the time I started working with Luna, it had been over eight years since I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease, diagnosed after the birth of my son, and I had been dutifully working with my medical team to deal with my symptoms: insomnia and anxious rumination at night, insufferable fatigue, sluggish digestion and constipation, depression, weight gain, and bloating no matter what I ate.”

Read more

I was on a host of medications and my symptoms were still worsening, yet each check up with my endocrinologist who reviewed my blood work would tell me my TSH was in a good low range and my Hashimotos was under control. 

I wish I would have begun working with Luna years ago, but I suppose I needed to get to this level of brokeness and frustration to finally abandon my faith in our medical care system and prioritize paying out of pocket for functional medicine care. 

And I am so glad I did. Luna taught me how to get into a good elimination and detox routine, provided me with a very clear parasite protocol, supported me in changing my diet to an autoimmune paleo diet, and explained all the elimination components, as well as when and how to reintroduce foods later on. 

Luna is a gem. She is whip-smart, compassionate, practical, and made herself available for my many follow up questions. I love how down-to-earth and straight forward she is. She is direct with her recommendations, and…at the same time, always prioritized what I felt was possible at a given stage in the treatment, and encouraged me to tune in to my body’s intuition, above all.

I am about 5 months into working with Luna, and I am a different person! I can get 9 hours of sleep and feel refreshed with no need for a nap (this was the biggest game changer!) I am off coffee, something I used to hang to like a life raft to get through my day. In turn, I have found my insomnia and anxiety has relaxed so I am ready for sleep when bedtime arrives. 

I have learned to love this new way of eating. Not tolerating it, but actually loving it. I love how I move through the day unbloated, and how full I feel for hours after eating, I don’t feel the urge to snack. It keeps my energy level without big dips.

And my mood? I’ve gone off my SSRIs and found that I haven’t second guessed it. I am just me. Ready to wake in the morning to meet my day, even-tempered with my child and family, focused on my work. I want to cry when writing this. To have been alienated from myself for all these years, this feels like such a precious homecoming.

 Along the way, Luna has also helped me with identifying mold in my home, and learning remediation techniques, making my home a safe haven.

My work with Luna has changed my understanding of self-care. Not as one more thing on my to-do list, but actually a way of life.

This kind of physical and lifestyle change is invaluable. I have come to realize that as a sensitive, low-stimulation being, I was feeling bombarded and overwhelmed by all the doctors visits, and all the medications were actually clouding my intuition. Luna helped me cut through the noise, so I could get back in touch with my actual body’s knowledge. What a gift.

Luna is an incredible medicine woman, and I look forward to continuing to work with her, with whatever life and aging throws at me.”

Dr. Ayelet Krieger, 39, Psychologist

“Working with Luna has taken my health journey to the next level. After struggling with gut issues, headaches, thyroid disease, and extreme menstrual pain for years I am finally feeling well! I worked with many practitioners before Luna, and she really took me to the next step that I didn’t reach with anyone else. I already had lots of knowledge about holistic health, but I felt I’d come as far as I could and was stuck. Luna helped me get unstuck and really heal! Luna’s support is so well rounded.”

I feel that my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health has all improved during my time working with her.

Luna didn’t just give me a one-size-fits-all health plan. She listened to my unique journey and body, and helped me learn how to best care for myself. Now, even if I have a minor setback I have the tools to get back on track, and do so quickly due to the resilience I’ve built in myself since working with Luna. I really appreciate that not only did she recommend supplements, but also lifestyle choices that empower me to care for my well being.

My chronic headaches have gone away, my digestion has never felt better, and I am blown away by the fact that I hardly have any period pain! Since working with Luna, my mind is now at ease that my body is ready to conceive, thanks to her preconception support that helped me feel so much better overall. Thank you Luna!”

Monica Everett, 32 – Doula, FAE

“I had been in recovery from a severe work burnout and while things were definitely improving, something still felt off. I was still experiencing low energy, my periods were still very unpredictable, and the brain fog/memory issues were still a very real part of my day to day. I knew I needed help to really dive in and figure out what was going on. A friend suggested that I should reach out to Luna and I’m so glad I did.

Through lab tests, surveys, and heartfelt inquiry, we were able to figure out what was holding me back from a full recovery. From realizing that my thyroid was not functioning properly and that I was dealing with heavy metals in my systems, Luna not only broke down how this was all affecting my body systems, but she also came with a solid plan on how we can work to mitigate and manage these issues. 

Luna made herself readily available, had immense patience with working around my schedule and dealing memory issues, and clearly has a lot of heart, knowledge and passion around this work. I’m so grateful that I had the experience to work with her. 

For the first time in a long time, I finally feel like myself again. My friends and family have all commented on what a difference this journey has made in terms of my health. If you’re on the fence about whether to reach out, just do it, you won’t regret it. Luna will support you through each step of your healing journey, no matter how big or small.”

Rachel L., 35

“Working with Luna literally changed my life! I was dealing with chronic health issues that I couldn’t figure out and traditional medicine and testing left me feeling hopeless. I’m so happy that a friend told me about Luna. She is very thorough, patient, nurturing and knowledgeable. Working with her felt like much more than a generic health coach, it felt very deep and soul nourishing. Other topics would organically come up and it always felt like a safe place where I could openly share about what was going on in my life.

Luna recommended a series of testing that uncovered some food sensitivities. As soon as I eliminated those from my diet, my chronic migraines were eliminated. We also did a regiment of vitamins and supplements, as well as implemented some other techniques, and I experienced digestive relief for the first time in years! My energy levels shifted and my outlook on my health was revitalized! Even after our sessions ended, Luna has always been available for questions and provides helpful content on her social media platforms and in her newsletters! She will always be my go-to health coach!”

Britney C., 31

“My journey with Luna began when I noticed things about my cycles that didn’t feel vital and abundant (ie scanty menses and cervical fluid). I had been working on my pre-contraceptive health and I was hoping to get more information about how I can support my body in a natural and holistic manner to prepare for pregnancy in the future. I needed more data and information to make individualized choices about where to go next. I decided to go all in and get the DUTCH labs, GI MAP, and hair and tissue test.

I was ready for some answers! and I was tired of getting generic recommendations for how to best support my body from the inside out. And wow, I got a lot of information.

At first it was overwhelming but Luna was an amazing guide in this process. She spoke about complex topics in an easy way for me to understand. I felt like she was a partner in my health journey, rather than telling me what to do, or being prescriptive.

She held beauty space for my emotional process. Getting lab results about the inner workings of our bodies can be scary and sometimes even frightening stuff, and Luna was a strong grounding presence through it all- the grieving, the success, the realizations, the ah-ha’s.

I finally felt like I had uncovered this missing piece of my health history. I was so relieved to finally have some more answers. For anyone who is intuitively feeling drawn to uncovering the next layer of wellness or for those that are experiencing symptoms and not getting support from other medical professionals- please get support from Luna. Her expertise in reading complex lab work and creating a lifestyle regime and supplement recommendations is phenomenal! It is a lot of work, and it is so worth it. So if you are considering working with Luna- please do it. Your future self will thank you 10 fold for this.

Mary Aline, Occupational Therapist, Fertility Awareness Educator,34yo

“Working with Luna was a calming and affirming experience for my husband and me as we work to optimize our fertility. As a fertility counselor and holistic reproductive and sexual health educator, it takes a special person for me to feel safe and let myself be supported during a vulnerable process. That person needs to be knowledgeable, organized, warm, and deeply supportive. Luna held all of these characteristics and so many more. I cannot recommend her services highly enough!

Majida Sai’da, MA, FAE, HRSHE

“Luna’s coaching has opened my eyes to my innate health and well-being. By educating me in how my physical systems work, I can now see what helps me thrive. Her approach is solid and based in science and testing, so she has so much data to pull from. She helped me paint a picture of what I can do to fix acute problems as well as set myself up for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. I’ve learned so much from Luna and really appreciate her kindness, knowledge, and willingness to really “see me” on my health journey.”

Annie, 36
“I became one of Luna’s clients after a devastating osteoporosis diagnosis and a series of deadened and painful medical interventions. After meeting with her the first time she recommended a series of tests to address my concerns – she really listened and responded with a holistic approach that took my entire well being into consideration. What followed was a loving, kind and thorough evaluation of my whole health; physical, mental and emotional.

I have never had a practitioner give me so much time, to really listen to everything, to show so much concern over all my symptoms; it was refreshing and put me at ease. The protocol was complex, but I did not ever feel alone on this journey. My experience with Luna has truly and significantly improved my quality of life! I highly recommend Luna to everyone who needs guidance on their path to wellness. She is incredible at what she does.”

Lynx, 42

“Luna is a caring and gifted healer and health guide. She supports her clients with the utmost presence, compassion, and professionalism. She has helped me personally optimize my health and held me with grace through it all.

I recommend her services to anyone looking to improve their health and wellness.”

Ali Maya, 44

“Luna is an intuitive, caring, and knowledgeable wellness coach. With her tailored guidance, I achieved optimal health, calmness, and a sense of wholeness. Luna’s precision and empathy created a comfortable and safe space for me to open up and share my struggles. I highly recommend Luna to anyone looking for a fantastic coach who can make a profound impact on their life. Thank you, Luna!”

Chase McKenna, 38 Hypnotherapist

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Download my FREE
Awakened Womb Foods and Recipes Guide

Learn not only what to eat, but also what foods to avoid as a feminine woman. Maintain optimal womb health and hormone balance and create a whole new internal state of health and wellbeing.
“Through our time working together my acne cleared up, my digestion improved and I have much more energy - I no longer need
an afternoon nap to get through the day! My mood and emotions also
became much more stable and I just feel so much better.”

Jessa Youngs L.Ac

It’s time to come home to your body.
It’s time to come home to the
greatest version of you.

She’s in there.

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Please let me know what's on your mind. Have a question? Ask away.

I was on a host of medications and my symptoms were still worsening, yet each check up with my endocrinologist who reviewed my blood work would tell me my TSH was in a good low range and my Hashimotos was under control.

I wish I would have begun working with Luna years ago, but I suppose I needed to get to this level of brokeness and frustration to finally abandon my faith in our medical care system and prioritize paying out of pocket for functional medicine care.

And I am so glad I did. Luna taught me how to get into a good elimination and detox routine, provided me with a very clear parasite protocol, supported me in changing my diet to an autoimmune paleo diet, and explained all the elimination components, as well as when and how to reintroduce foods later on.

Luna is a gem. She is whip-smart, compassionate, practical, and made herself available for my many follow up questions. I love how down-to-earth and straight forward she is. She is direct with her recommendations, and…at the same time, always prioritized what I felt was possible at a given stage in the treatment, and encouraged me to tune in to my body’s intuition, above all.

I am about 5 months into working with Luna, and I am a different person! I can get 9 hours of sleep and feel refreshed with no need for a nap (this was the biggest game changer!) I am off coffee, something I used to hang to like a life raft to get through my day. In turn, I have found my insomnia and anxiety has relaxed so I am ready for sleep when bedtime arrives.

I have learned to love this new way of eating. Not tolerating it, but actually loving it. I love how I move through the day unbloated, and how full I feel for hours after eating, I don’t feel the urge to snack. It keeps my energy level without big dips.

And my mood? I’ve gone off my SSRIs and found that I haven’t second guessed it. I am just me. Ready to wake in the morning to meet my day, even-tempered with my child and family, focused on my work. I want to cry when writing this. To have been alienated from myself for all these years, this feels like such a precious homecoming.

Along the way, Luna has also helped me with identifying mold in my home, and learning remediation techniques, making my home a safe haven.

My work with Luna has changed my understanding of self-care. Not as one more thing on my to-do list, but actually a way of life.

This kind of physical and lifestyle change is invaluable. I have come to realize that as a sensitive, low-stimulation being, I was feeling bombarded and overwhelmed by all the doctors visits, and all the medications were actually clouding my intuition. Luna helped me cut through the noise, so I could get back in touch with my actual body’s knowledge. What a gift.

Luna is an incredible medicine woman, and I look forward to continuing to work with her, with whatever life and aging throws at me.”

“I feel that my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health has all improved during my time working with her.

Luna didn’t just give me a one-size-fits-all health plan. She listened to my unique journey and body, and helped me learn how to best care for myself. Now, even if I have a minor setback I have the tools to get back on track, and do so quickly due to the resilience I’ve built in myself since working with Luna. I really appreciate that not only did she recommend supplements, but also lifestyle choices that empower me to care for my well being.

My chronic headaches have gone away, my digestion has never felt better, and I am blown away by the fact that I hardly have any period pain! Since working with Luna, my mind is now at ease that my body is ready to conceive, thanks to her preconception support that helped me feel so much better overall. Thank you Luna!”

Through lab tests, surveys, and heartfelt inquiry, we were able to figure out what was holding me back from a full recovery. From realizing that my thyroid was not functioning properly and that I was dealing with heavy metals in my systems, Luna not only broke down how this was all affecting my body systems, but she also came with a solid plan on how we can work to mitigate and manage these issues.

Luna made herself readily available, had immense patience with working around my schedule and dealing memory issues, and clearly has a lot of heart, knowledge and passion around this work. I’m so grateful that I had the experience to work with her.

For the first time in a long time, I finally feel like myself again. My friends and family have all commented on what a difference this journey has made in terms of my health. If you’re on the fence about whether to reach out, just do it, you won’t regret it. Luna will support you through each step of your healing journey, no matter how big or small.”

Luna recommended a series of testing that uncovered some food sensitivities. As soon as I eliminated those from my diet, my chronic migraines were eliminated. We also did a regiment of vitamins and supplements, as well as implemented some other techniques, and I experienced digestive relief for the first time in years! My energy levels shifted and my outlook on my health was revitalized! Even after our sessions ended, Luna has always been available for questions and provides helpful content on her social media platforms and in her newsletters! She will always be my go-to health coach!”

I was ready for some answers! and I was tired of getting generic recommendations for how to best support my body from the inside out. And wow, I got a lot of information.

At first it was overwhelming but Luna was an amazing guide in this process. She spoke about complex topics in an easy way for me to understand. I felt like she was a partner in my health journey, rather than telling me what to do, or being prescriptive.

She held beauty space for my emotional process. Getting lab results about the inner workings of our bodies can be scary and sometimes even frightening stuff, and Luna was a strong grounding presence through it all- the grieving, the success, the realizations, the ah-ha’s.

I finally felt like I had uncovered this missing piece of my health history. I was so relieved to finally have some more answers. For anyone who is intuitively feeling drawn to uncovering the next layer of wellness or for those that are experiencing symptoms and not getting support from other medical professionals- please get support from Luna. Her expertise in reading complex lab work and creating a lifestyle regime and supplement recommendations is phenomenal! It is a lot of work, and it is so worth it. So if you are considering working with Luna- please do it. Your future self will thank you 10 fold for this.

I have never had a practitioner give me so much time, to really listen to everything, to show so much concern over all my symptoms; it was refreshing and put me at ease. The protocol was complex, but I did not ever feel alone on this journey. My experience with Luna has truly and significantly improved my quality of life! I highly recommend Luna to everyone who needs guidance on their path to wellness. She is incredible at what she does.”