What we were NOT taught in school?

Knowing what I do now about health, I can confidently say that the health education I received in school while growing up was woefully inadequate.

Many of us who have come to this conclusion will ponder endlessly why crucial health information didn’t get passed down from family, taught in school, or shared by medical providers.

Can you imagine your doctor taking the time to teach you about your overall health or your fertility, instead of writing a quick prescription? Probably not!

Health is a topic critical for everyday life, so why don’t school systems prioritize teaching kids how to listen to and take care of their own bodies?

Knowing how your body works is life-changing. It takes the guesswork out of living your best life. It puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you the ability to create a life full of freedom rather than one of limitations.


It wasn’t until my 20’s that I really started to understand how my body works.

Losing my menstrual cycle for seven years during the prime fertile time of 21-28 was a complete mirror of my inner health. I literally had no choice but to make my health my top priority!

During that time of my life, I had incredible inflammation, accumulated toxins, and all sorts of imbalances in my digestive system that caused my liver to become stagnant and unable to continue its job in creating hormonal balance. All of it was an intensive learning process for me.

And it wasn’t until my 30’s that I became finally educated about hormones and how my cycle works.

This became a priority when my body completely rejected hormonal birth control (in high school) and then the copper IUD in my early 30’s. I had to get really serious about my fertility, understanding my cycle, and tracking my fertile biomarkers as a form of contraception. My fertility awareness practice is alive and well all these years later! It allows me to understand my hormonal shifts and listen to the needs of my body- every cycle.

A recent survey of 2,000 women (age 30 to 60) found that nearly half of the women surveyed had experienced one or more symptoms of hormone imbalance, and 72% were previously unaware of how their hormonal health was affecting them


Some of the most common symptoms they experienced include:

  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Low libido
  • Memory loss and brain fog
  • Anxiety, depression and loss of interest in daily activities


I can only imagine how much money, time, and angst that 72% spent trying to find a fix for their health issues, not even realizing it was all related to their hormones- largely because they had never been educated about hormone health.


How many of those symptoms have you had or are currently experiencing?

Your hormones influence many major bodily functions, such as your emotions, your cancer risk, and even memory loss.

Imagine what your life- and the world at large- would be like if it was common place for kids to be educated about health and hormones. Imagine if they had access to health education resources throughout the lifespan.

In my functional health coaching practice, I’ve worked with many young women. Some are fearful or frustrated about not being able to get pregnant.

Then, there are the numerous peri and post-menopausal women I work with who are trying to untangle their hormone issues so that they can gracefully get through menopause and return (a little wiser, no doubt!) to the life they had once before.

Something has to change.

In this month’s blog and the upcoming posts in my Hart of Health and Instagram pages, I’m going to expand on this topic in hopes that you can have the information and health resources that you deserve.

We all deserve easier access to hormone education and resources. This kind of access could result in people living their fullest lives, and empower students to contribute to the possibility that growing generations will enjoy a better quality of life too.

I’ll never forget what one of my students said after going through my Fertility Awareness class series:

“Being a part of Luna’s Sympto-Thermal Method Fertility Awareness class was a big step for me to empower myself within my body and begin to strengthen my relationship with my pelvic family (vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus…). Luna is sensitive to the wide spectrum of unique experiences that people who were assigned female at birth have gone through before taking her class. I always felt comfortable being open and honest with Luna about my own background and minor trauma I had experienced relating with my body. She is humble in her presentation of information and when answering questions, and is really a wonderful person to learn from.

Luna’s course was very comprehensive in its theory about the Sympto-Thermal Method and then brought it to a real life level as we learned how to read body charts through examples to reinforce what we learned. I know my journey of being in a deeper relationship with my pelvic family is still developing and I couldn’t be more grateful that I took this step to learn with Luna as my teacher. “

Another client suspected that she was estrogen dominant- but when she did blood work via her doctors, she was told, “Everything is normal”.

After testing her with the DUTCH test as a part of our work together, we were able to confirm that her estrogen was in excess and estrogen detox (phase 1 and 2) needed improvement. By the end of her health rebuilding program her mood, sleep, energy, and clarity of mind had ALL improved.


Please don’t feel helpless when it comes to your hormone health!

For the longest time, it felt as though I didn’t have control over my hormones either.

I wish for every woman to have the resources and education to:

  • Gracefully get through menopause or any stage of hormone change
  • Advocate for themselves and collaborate with their health professionals
  • Formulate a lifestyle and health plan that works for their unique body

Under these guidelines, many women would stop suffering and start living fuller lives. They would be better daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, moms, partners, leaders and teachers – and the men in their lives would greatly benefit from this too.

In the meantime, if you are interested in receiving the insights of customized lab tests and other health resources to live your fullest life, then book a complimentary Strategy Session with me Today!

If you have a friend or family member in your life who wants to solve health problems once and for all, please share this info with them. It might be the thing to help them get back on their feet again!!

Hope you have a beautiful month of July!

Your health advocate,

Luna Hart

Book session Here

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