The healing journey can be exhausting, and guessing without getting answers can be an endless pursuit. Understanding exactly what needs support and what is not functioning optimally can give you the knowledge and answers you deserve.
The culprits behind your health challenges could be imbalances in your adrenals, liver, thyroid, sex hormones, environmental toxins, or gut. If you need a diagnosis and a prescription, you go to your doctor. If you want someone to look deeper into what is dysfunctioning in your body, then you seek out a Functional Health Practitioner like me.
Common Symptoms Supported by Functional Lab Testing
Functional lab testing can help address a wide array of commonly misunderstood symptoms, including:
- Fatigue
- Foggy thinking
- Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea
- Irregular cycles, or no cycles at all
- Painful periods
- Skin issues, acne
- Depression, anxiety
- Chronic infections
- Poor libido
- Joint pain
- Headaches, migraines
- Sinus congestion
- Food sensitivities
What is Functional Lab Testing?
Functional lab testing is a different way to approach health and wellness. These tests are not looking for disease; they are looking for internal stressors, healing opportunities, and ways to optimize your health. If you’re left feeling unheard, confused, and unsatisfied with the answers you’re receiving from traditional methods, this is when functional lab assessment is strongly indicated.
My Favorite Functional Lab
GI MAPS (Comprehensive Stool Analysis) by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory
“Research overwhelmingly indicates that gut health impacts overall health. The gut microbiome, in particular, plays a critical role in mediating the effects of diet and other factors on health, including digestive, immune, metabolic, and neuroendocrine functions. Assessing GI health with the proper tools can help practitioners get to the root cause of chronic illness. The GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.” – Diagnostic Solutions Lab.
The gut is your “second brain” due to a massive innervation of neurons called the enteric nervous system. The health of the gut can have major effects on systemic functions such as immune, endocrine, and digestive systems; as well as emotions and energy levels. Sometimes the symptoms of an imbalance in the gut can be far removed from the source. Repairing and rebuilding the microbiome health in the GI tract is an important part of the work we will do together. A test like the GI-Maps allows us to know exactly what needs to be rebalanced.
DUTCH COMPLETE, PLUS, OR CYCLE MAP (Dried Urine Stress and Sex Hormone Profile) by Precision Analytical Labs
“The DUTCH Complete is the most advanced hormone test, offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Easily collected in the comfort of your own home, samples are then sent to our lab to be processed.” – Precision Analytical Labs.
The endocrine system is a symphony of hormones that are really singing our song out loud. When this system is not in balance, or homeostatic state, the whole body is affected. Finding out exactly which hormones are “out of tune” will inform us how to guide the body back to a balanced state.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (Essential Mineral and Heavy Metal Profile) by Trace Elements Lab
This lab provides insight on mineral and toxic metal levels and how well the body is currently able to excrete toxic metals. HTMA tests the following markers and many more:
- Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Chromium, Selenium, Phosphorus, Nickel, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Lithium, Boron, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic, Aluminum.
Heavy metal toxicity and mineral deficiency are prevalent hidden stressors that can be root causes of many commonly misunderstood symptoms. Testing will allow us to identify how metal toxicity and/or mineral deficiency are contributing to health problems or rule out these factors as potential suspects.
Food Sensitivity Testing by Vibrant Wellness
“This test is ideal for patients who might be suffering from delayed reactions to certain foods. Using an antibody-based food sensitivity test can help prioritize the necessary foods to eliminate and create a customized diet plan around a person’s specific needs.” – Vibrant Wellness.
It can be challenging to know which foods are truly supporting our health and well-being. Even those very intuitive with their bodies can have a hard time sensing the immune reactions that occur with food sensitivities. In some cases, negative reactions are caused by our favorite foods that we eat every day. When the body is in a state of inflammation, the food we eat can hurt or help our healing progress. Running a comprehensive food sensitivity panel provides information that allows me to design a customized diet that will decrease inflammation, heal the mucosal barrier of the small intestine, and can support any health goal you may have.
Organic Acid Test (OAT) by Great Plains Laboratory
This lab provides insight into the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Markers included in this test are:
- Intestinal microbial overgrowth and signs of mold toxicity
- Oxalate metabolites
- Glycolytic cycle metabolites
- Mitochondrial markers
- Neurotransmitter metabolism markers
- Folate metabolism
- Nutritional markers
- Indicators of detoxification
- Amino acid metabolite
- Mineral metabolism
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
Ordered by your doctor under your insurance or through DHA labs through my practice. Looking at blood chemistry markers through the lens of functional ranges and proper test timing makes this lab an incredibly useful tool for understanding the root cause of symptoms, especially when trying to receive proper understanding of endocrine functioning such as thyroid and sex hormones, blood sugar instability, liver and kidney function, immune system stressors, digestion, and important nutrient levels like Vit D and B12.
When you are outside of the Western Standard Ranges for Blood Chemistry, then your doctor is usually ready to offer a diagnosis and treatment. Functional ranges are used to catch you before you get to that extreme point! They are used to shed light on your current symptoms and give you guidance on how to optimize your health. If you are being told that “everything is normal” in your blood work and you know there is something wrong, then I highly recommend you have a functional practitioner review your labs for deeper insights.
(Newest Favorite) TotalTox Test by Vibrant Wellness
The TotalTox test by Vibrant Wellness is a comprehensive screening tool designed to detect the presence of various environmental toxins, including mycotoxins, heavy metals, and environmental chemicals, in your body. Identifying these toxins is crucial as they can significantly impact your health and contribute to chronic illnesses and symptoms that are often misunderstood or misdiagnosed.
Environmental toxins accumulate in the body over time, often without obvious symptoms. The TotalTox test uncovers hidden toxic burdens that may be contributing to your health challenges. By understanding your unique toxic exposure, a Functional Health Practitioner can create a customized detoxification and health optimization plan tailored to your needs.
My Final Thoughts…
Functional lab testing offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to uncovering the root causes of health issues and optimizing well-being. If traditional methods have left you feeling unheard and without answers, functional lab testing could provide the insights you need.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your healing journey and gain a deeper understanding of your health, the first step is to purchase and book a Strategy Session with me. Healing is an intimate process, and this session allows us space and time to see if we are the perfect fit to work together to take your health to the next level.
Regardless of the outcome, you will walk away from this session with valuable resources and actionable steps to get you moving in the right direction. Let’s work together to reclaim your health and happiness.
If you’re ready to gain access to the right functional lab tests, resources, and guidance to resolve annoying symptoms and regain vibrant energy within your body, I’d be honored to assist you!
Coming from someone who wasn’t fully living for so many years of my life due to dysfunctions in my gut and hormones, I’m a firm believer that health is the greatest wealth and the foundation from which the joys of life flourish.
I’m here when you’re ready to receive support!