Clear the Mind
We are coming to the end of yet another powerful year to be alive! It’s almost impossible to not take a moment to review what happened in our lives this year and make a plan for the year to come! For me, I had one of the most transformative years of my life. My move […]
Mold Toxicity
This is the perfect time to talk about a topic that I don’t speak about enough. As we are starting to move our lives inside and close the windows, it is time to evaluate the air quality in our homes. The unfortunate truth is that research shows that the air inside your house can be […]
What does “Hormone Balance” really mean?
Estrogen excess has been showing up a LOT lately in the consultation conversations I’ve been having and in my clients’ test results. It’s a stealthy hormone imbalance that often goes overlooked in typical blood tests and can be related to issues such as weight gain, sleepless nights, sugar cravings, low energy, depression and insulin resistance […]
What we were NOT taught in school?
Knowing what I do now about health, I can confidently say that the health education I received in school while growing up was woefully inadequate. Many of us who have come to this conclusion will ponder endlessly why crucial health information didn’t get passed down from family, taught in school, or shared by medical providers. […]
Empowering Your Choices
Some may ask, “How did we get here?” “Here” is the year 2022, when we question if current and future generations will have easy and guilt-free access to safe abortions. I stand firmly and unwaveringly for the right of everyone to have choice in their healthcare. Whether that be a vaccine or the release of […]
The Elephant in the Room!
Environmental toxins are my hot topic in my social media content this spring. Since I have had a direct experience with heavy metal, copper, and mold toxicity, bringing awareness to this topic is very near and dear to my heart. You can address “all the things” and if you’re not accessing toxins in your daily […]
Essential Mineral Balance!!
The body needs minerals; these are called essential minerals. They keep the body healthy and functioning properly. Essential minerals are sometimes divided up into major minerals (macrominerals) and trace minerals (microminerals). Macrominerals are those that are required in greater amounts in the body; these include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine and sulfur. While the […]
My Journey with Heavy Metal Toxicity…
Personal question- have you ever had an irritating mystery rash? I’m guessing most of you can say “yes” to this. Since the skin is our largest organ, it can really bear the brunt of our detoxification burdens. The causes of a mystery rash vary from person to person. I want to share a personal story […]
I just have to say this: people are not being seen or heard by their doctors!
I just have to say this: people are not being seen or heard by their doctors! I feel like people are falling through the cracks in our medical system. It seems to me there are a few things going drastically wrong. #1- People are not being heard when it comes to their experience and symptoms […]
Time to Envision the Future!
Can you believe it?? Here we are in the last month of 2021 and it’s time to set out our intentions for the upcoming year of manifestation. What are the areas you want to amplify and let shine in 2022? What needs your attention in 2022? Let’s make this your reality in the new year […]